UT Level 1 :: Quiz Practice for ASNT/NDT Exam | Ultrasonic Testing MCQ’s Part-1

Non-Destructive Testing: Total 125′ Questions for Conduct of Examinations at NDT RT Level-1. (Quiz Part-1 60′ MCQs, Part-2 65′ MCQs.).

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UT Level 1 :: NDT Mock Test Practice Quiz MCQ’s Part-1


The most effective liquid ultrasonic couplant (highest acoustic impedance) is:



Calculate the refracted shear wave angle in aluminium [VS = 0.31cm/microsec] for an incident longitudinal wave of 43.5 degrees in Plexiglas [VL = 0.267cm/microsec]



During immersion testing of pipe or tubing, the incident longitudinal wave angle must be limited to a narrow range. The reason for the upper limit is:



When variations are noticed in the front surface reflection, the test piece should be inspected for possible near-surface discontinuities by:



The most important requirement for a paintbrush transducer is:



Which of the following methods might be used to reduce attenuation losses in an ultrasonic test?



One way of identifying spurious echoes in an ultrasonic test is:



Shear waves for ultrasonic testing are usually produced:



When testing a test piece with parallel front and back surfaces, no back wall echo can be obtained. Which of the following actions might enable you to obtain a back wall echo?



Strong signals which travel across the horizontal time base of an A-scan presentation while the transducer is motionless on the test piece are probably:



A calibration for immersion ultrasonic testing of pipe or tubing should establish a transducer position such as:



An ultrasonic display that shows a cross-section of the test piece and any flaws which are found are called:



The particle motion for compression waves is:



The term is used to refer to the product of wave velocity and density is:



Typical frequencies which might be used to perform ultrasonic testing of ferrous and non-ferrous welds are:



The purpose of adding a wetting agent to an immersion bath is:



The resolving power of a transducer is directly proportional to its:



An advantage of immersion testing is that:



The addition of approximately 6% antimony as an alloying element could be expected to increase the ultrasonic inspectability of which of the following materials?



A typical application for a through-transmission technique is:



Which of the following cast materials could most likely be successfully ultrasonically tested?



For an ultrasonic beam with normal incidence, the transmission coefficient is given by:



For a transducer with any given Q, resolution increases with:



When comparing discontinuity echoes to equivalent flat bottom hole echoes in materials with similar impedance, surface finish, and attenuation:



Which of the following is a disadvantage of contact testing?



For an ultrasonic beam with normal incidence, the reflection coefficient is given by:



Polished, flat surfaces are undesirable for ultrasonic testing consideration because:



Forging bursts are most often orientated:



An ultrasonic technique in which two transducers are used, in a constant position relative to each other, is:



Typical immersion test frequencies for wrought aluminum are:



Which of the following product forms would probably be tested at the lowest frequency?



Typical frequencies which might be used to perform ultrasonic testing of concrete are:



When a probe is coupled to a solid, strong surface wave may be produced:



When using a straight beam technique to examine a thick test piece what change(s) would you expect to see in back wall echo size as you approach the side of the test piece? (Transducer remains completely on test piece)



Snell’s law is given by which of the following:



Most commercial ultrasonic testing is performed at frequencies between:



Which of the following is an advantage of contact testing over immersion?



Which of the following is an advantage of a focused transducer?



An advantage of using lower frequencies during ultrasonic testing is that:



Which of the following describes the sound field propagating in a piece of a steel bar stock which is being tested from one end with longitudinal waves?



An ultrasonic display that shows echo locations and amplitude is called:



Lithium sulfate, barium titanate and lead meta niobate are examples of:



Calculate the refracted shear wave angle in steel [VS = 0.323cm/microsec] for an incident longitudinal wave of 37.9 degrees in Plexiglas [VL = 0.267cm/microsec]



Calculate the refracted shear wave angle in aluminium [VS = 0.31cm/microsec] for an incident longitudinal wave of 53 degrees in Plexiglas [VL = 0.267cm/microsec]



During immersion ultrasonic testing of pipe or tubing, spurious echoes may be caused by:



Choice of ultrasonic test frequency depends upon which of the following?



When inspecting a long bar with a longitudinal wave from one end, a series of additional echoes are seen immediately after the bottom surface reflection. these are most likely:



An ultrasonic data display that shows a plan view presentation of the data is called:



What useful purpose may be served by maintaining the grass on the baseline?



Near-surface resolution can be improved by:



Which of the following materials would probably require testing at the lowest frequency?



Materials that can readily be inspected with frequencies of 1 to 5 MHz are:



One of the most apparent characteristics of a discontinuity echo, as opposed to a non relevant indication, is:



An advantage of immersion testing is that:



Snell’s law is used to calculate:



Which of the following is intended to be a ‘first cut’ or rough inspection device to be followed by a more precise evaluation of any discontinuities found?



A wider entry surface indication or pulse may result from:


Question 1 of 60

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