RT Level 1 :: ASNT/NDT Mock Test Practice Quiz | NDT Radiographic Testing MCQ’s Part-3

Non-Destructive Testing: 40′ Questions for Conduct of Examinations at NDT RT Level-1

Radiographic Testing Level -1 (RT) General Examination Part-3

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RT Level 1 :: NDT Mock Test Practice Quiz MCQ’s Part-3


What governs the penetrating ability of an X-ray beam?



A change in which of the following parameters would necessitate the construction of a new X ray exposure chart?



The primary effect of an increase in the kilovoltage at which a X ray tube is being operated would be to:



A radiographic sensitivity level of 2-2T means that:



Which of the following expressions correctly describes the relation between milliamperage (M) and exposure time (T)?



The primary effect of an increase in the milliamperage at which a X-ray tube is being operated would be to:



A thin, white line within the film image of a weld crown might be:



A beam of radiation consisting of a single wavelength is known as: (choose one)



A possible result of failing to use a stop bath during manual development is:



The speed at which X and gamma rays travel is: (choose one)



Lead screens act as intensifiers at voltage above:



Radiography of tubular sections using a double-wall, double viewing technique is mainly applicable to sections:



The penetrameter is a tool used to check the ________________ of a radiograph:



The use of a slower speed film improves the definition of the radiograph because the slower film:



When using a radioactive isotope in making a radiograph, we can express the equation for exposure as Ci × T. In this equation, Ci stands for:



Which of the following expressions correctly describes the relationship between exposure time (T) and focus-film distance (D)?



What is the longest period of time which should elapse between complete changes of developer solution?



19. After the step wedge radiographs have been made, the ____________ of the image of each step is recorded on chart:



Which exposure factors are recorded in the process of making a step wedge analysis?



The shorter the wavelength of X or gamma rays:



The mottled film may result from:



The process of being radioactive is called (Choose one):



The amount of X radiation or gamma radiation is often spoken of as the____________ of the radiation:



Which of the following types of radiation is commonly used in radiographic testing?(Choose one):



What is the most desirable temperature for manual developer solutions?



In the radiographic analysis procedure that is used to prepare an exposure chart, the first step is to:



An advantage of a gamma-ray source is:



Which of the following isotopes are commonly used for radiographic purposes?



A radiation producing device that emits a broad spectrum of wavelengths is:



The minimum size hole in an ASTM penetrameter is:



‘Photoelectric effect’ refers to:



Which of the following types of intensifying screens are used in industrial radiography?



Radiographic film speed can be increased by using:



When a tissue cell in the human body is damaged by radiation:



Lead intensifying screens are used to:



The effects of scattered radiation may be lessened by:



An effect of scattered radiation is to:


Question 1 of 40

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