Instrumentation Inspection and Quality Control CBT 2021 Questioner – Part-01
Q. What is QA/QC?
QA/QC means, “Quality Assurance/Quality Control” the purpose of this (QA/QC) is to establish
the sequence of requirement for the quality of material, quality of works, its inspection and
Q. What are basic responsibilities of QA/QC personals?
To ensure execution of works and comply fully as per standard and approved specs.
Q. What are the basic required documents for a QA/QC personal?
The basic required documents QA/QC personal are as following:
ITP: to conduct the Quality check (inspection/witness/surveillance) etc.
WP: standard procedure to execute the works. (Work Procedure)
P&ID: as a reference to ensure that the work is as per standard drawing.
MTC: To ensure that the material complies the PES standard specs.
PP: To ensure that the Instruments are installed as per P&ID and PP as per convenience.
IDS/ISS: To ensure that the instrument comply with the basic requirement.
RFI: To conduct the inspection of completed works. (Request for Inspection)
QR: To maintain the quality records of completed works etc.
QCO: To issue a warning in case of little violation and observation
NCR: To issue a warning in case of serious violation of standard. (Non Compliance Report)
Calibration Report: To ensure parameters are function checked as per IDS.
Hook Up: To ensure that the remote connection of pneumatic is done correctly.
Wiring Diagrams: To ensure that the wiring is done correctly.
Q. What are QA/QC’s ITP’s and QCP? Give a brief.
ITP: This procedure informs about the kinds of quality check (surveillance, inspection,
witness or hold points) means quality of work being done in proper sequences.
QCP: This procedure address the activities and requirement in details
Q. What is NCR? Why does it need for a QA/QC personal?
NCR means Non‐Compliance Report, QA/QC personal has reserve the right to issue a warning if
the contractor doesn’t comply or violate with the standard procedure.
Q. What are the general work procedures (WP)?
The general sequence of activities will be as follows:
a) Receiving Drawing and Documents
b) Reproduction of Drawings
c) Issuing of Drawing to site
d) New‐Issuing New Revisions
e) Shredding of Drawings
f) Redlining Drawings
g) Transmittal of redlines to Client (As‐built)
h) Restricted access to the DCO
i) Work Permit prior to start the works
j) Record
Q. What are common PPE required? Give a brief.
Following are the common PPE for a safe and quality works‐standard procedure:
Qualification : Awareness about all kinds of safety standard/codes and work
Experience : Qualified for the works execution.
Use (PPE) : Proper equipments and tools shall be used to avoid injuries/loss.
Safety Shoes, Helmet, Glass, Gloves, Earplugs, Harness proper
tools and certified equipments.
Q. What is redlining? Brief its color coding.
In case of any change occur to the standard approved drawing while the project is being
constructed or tested the relevant drawing will be “redlined”. Following color coding shall be
used for this purpose:
Red : If any addition required in the drawing.
Green : If any deletion is required from the drawing.
Blue : if any comment is added.
Q. What are the difference between Inspection (Surveillance), witness and Hold point?
Inspection : Work can be execute without clients inspection and it can be
Inspect some part of them if it required.
Witness : Work can be execute without client inspection and then it can be
inspected upon the completion of work.
Hold Point : Work can’t be executed without client inspection.
Q. What is difference between Hazardous and NonHazardous area?
Hazardous: A Hazardous location is defined as an area where a potential for fire or
explosion exist due to the presence of flammable gases, liquid or vapors,
combustible dusts or fibers and flying in sufficient quantities to produce a
n explosion or ignitable mixture.
Non‐Hazardous: An area where no risk of presence of any kinds exposition.
Q. What are different kinds of certification?
i) Weather Proof
ii) Dust Proof
iii) Water Tight
iv) Explosion Proof
v) Flame Proof
vi) Intrinsic Safety Proof
Q. What is ISO? Explain some of its standards?
ISO means International Standard Organization; some of them are as below:
ISO: 9001, ISO: 9002, ISO: 9003 etc.
Q. What are Zone classifications? Give a brief.
Zone classification is defining the area of hazards, they are as below;
Zone – 0: A zone in which explosions gas/air mixture is continuously present or
present for extended periods, during normal operation.
Zone – 1: A zone in which explosions gas/air mixture is likely to occur in normal
Zone – 2: A zone in which explosions gas/air mixture is not likely to occur in the
normal operation and if it occurs, it will only exist for a short time.
Zone – 10: A zone in which explosive dust atmosphere is present continuously or for
extended periods of time.
Zone – 11: A zone in which there is likelihood that explosive atmosphere may occur
for short periods due to unsettled dust layers.
Q. What are the standard heights to install the instruments?
A standard height to install the instruments is 1‐4 meters, but it can vary less or more as per
location’s convenience.
Q. What is Loop – Check?
To ensure that the system wiring from field to control console functioning.
Q. Explain tuning of controller; (a) Closed Loop Method, (b) Open Loop Method.
Tuning basically involves adjustment of α+I+D parameters to achieve good control. The gain,
time, constants & dead time around the loop will dictate the settings of various parameters of
a) Closed Loop Method : Ultimate gain method
b) Open Loop Method : process reaction curve
Q. What are area classifications? Give a brief.
As per NEC and NACA, following are the hazard classification;
Class I : Location in which flammable gases or vapors may be present in the atmosphere
in quantities sufficient to produce explosive or ignitable mixture.
Class I gases/vapors are divided into four following groups
Group A: Presence of Acetylene
Group B: Presence of Hydrogen, Butadiene, Ethylene Oxide etc.
Group C: Presence of Ethylene, Cyclo‐Propane, Carbon‐Mono Oxide etc.
Group D: Presence of Gasoline, Acetone, Butane, Propane, Alcohol, natural gas
(Methane) etc.
Class II : Location in which the presence of combustible dust are in the air in sufficient
quantity to ignite or explode.
Class II conductive/non‐conductive dust is divided into three as below:
Group E: Presence of metal dusts (Aluminum, Magnesium and chemical dusts etc).
Group F: Presence of black carbon, charcoal, coal or coke dusts etc.
Group G: Presence of non‐conductive dust (foam, starch, combustible plastic etc).
Class III : Location in which easily ignitable fibers or flying are present but are not likely to
be in suspension in air in quantities sufficient to produce ignitable mixture.
Division – 1 : The Hazards are present continuously or periodically under
normal operation condition.
Division – 2 : The Hazards are only presents during accidental or abnormal
Q. Why is flow measured in square root?
Flow varies directly as the square root of D.P (Differential Pressure) since this flow varies as the
square root of the D.P the pen does not directly indicate flow. The flow can be determined by
taking the square root of the pen.
Say the pen reads 50% of chart.
Q. What is the diameter of the transmitter nozzle?
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